How to Craft & Sell Your Course in 2 Weeks,

Even If You're Starting From Scratch.


How to Craft & Sell Your Course in 2 Weeks,

Even If You're Starting From Scratch.


Imagine you have potential clients approaching YOU to work together...

...instead of desperately spinning your wheels trying to get this business off the ground.

If you have been trying to sell an online program, membership, group coaching program, or are looking for more consistent 1x1 clients only to have lackluster sales, or you don't know where start this is for you!

Today, I’m going to show you how to create a wildly successful online program with the power of Beta Testing without falling into the typical mistakes of filming an entire program WITHOUT ACTUALLY KNOWING what people want.

And you can do all this WITHOUT:

Generating endless social content on every social platform with zero responses

Writing blogs no one is reading

Filming a million videos that no one is watching

Spending money on ads for an offer that no one wants.

You should NOT be wasting time on non-revenue generating activities!.

The truth is you have been lied to about what you ACTUALLY need, which is leaving you with offers that no one wants or students that are left completely overwhelmed on where to start or what to do.  

And this is exactly what we fix for our clients. 

We teach people how to FOCUS on creating ONE OFFER that ideal clients actually want.

You’ll discover that your clients need a clear, easy to understand approach to solve their specific problem.

The way most people talk about how they solve the problem in a confusing, complicated, mishmash of approaches that sound like a muddled mess when they talk about what they do and how they help.

You need an offer that is so irresistible, so clear, that even if someone doesn’t know you – they’d opt into your ad, or buy COLD without even knowing you because the solution sounds that good.

A solution sounds like it was MADE FOR THEM.

You need an approach to solving a specific ideal client’s problem in a way they haven’t had it solved before.  

Where their first response is “Ooooh I haven’t tried THAT yet!”

Then the sales come rolling in.

And how to talk about it in a way that is so simple and so easy to understand that when you explain what you/your program does –  people will run across the room when you introduce yourself and say “I want to work with you”  or see your ad and say “I need that!” or “I’ve always wanted to do THAT!”

So you might be saying to yourself, “that sounds cool” but how do I do that?

The online coaching space is way more crowded than it was a few years ago.

You need to be specific, and be known for SOMETHING way more than ever before.  

You used to be able to trip over sales without much effort and ads were less competitive.

If it makes you feel better -- the same thing happened with typical social media influencers. They used to be able get big opportunities with 100k followers and make it big, now the requirement is millions

Thank goodness you’re in the business of getting people results!

And not trying to be insta-famous on social media and get brand deals. Right? 

(Although this can be a side benefit to doing what we are talking about today!)

So what is the secret to getting sales now?  It’s SPECIFICITY. 

Choosing a specific approach to a problem and becoming known for it truly is the secret.

Without this specificity that people are TRULY SEEKING, your paid ads won’t work, your organic social media won’t work, nothing will work.   

When you do start to become known for something, people listen, they seek you out, they build a desire to choose your solution over everyone else's as the next thing that's going to solve their problem.

Don’t you want to be the person that actually solves it for them?  

Aren’t they making mistakes you can help them avoid?

The way we teach people how to figure this SPECIFIC SOLUTION TO THEIR PROBLEM out is through the power of BETA TESTING.

This is why I believe BETA TESTING is the smartest way to create and launch your online program, getting people specific results in a specific time frame.


Beta testing is a way to TEST your SPECIFIC approach to solving a problem with guest clients who will then give you feedback on your program for a reduced price.

The first question we get is “Well what if I can’t get them a result in a specific time frame?!”

And that my friend is why BETA TESTING is the answer!

After running a few beta tests with clear money back guarantees, you will get paid to create your program AND you will get the case studies you need to sell it later.

OR worse case scenario if things aren’t working, your beta testers will give you the feedback needed to update and modify the program to be BETTER so that it will get them the results that you promise, 

As opposed to the current way of just guessing what will work without having hard proof.

Beta testing will get you the proven specific offer to have clarity and confidence in selling.

If you don’t know your SPECIFIC solution yet, that’s why you need to beta test.  

Beta Testing is THE ETHICAL way to sell.

Why? Cause it doesn't have to be perfect. You aren't expected to have results yet! Why? Cause you're beta testing!

When you have a proof your program works, sales happen NATURALLY after that.

The truth is, NO ONE SHOULD BE GETTING PAID if they’re not getting their students results.

Wouldn’t you rather become KNOWN in your industry for getting students results?

Versus being a generalist that is “safe” and gets students lackluster or vague results based on "theories” —instead of step by step actions?

Your ideal clients are desperate for your unique approach to a problem they haven’t solved yet, and what an amazing opportunity that you get to help them solve it!

If you don’t know me yet, my name is Jenna Soard.

I’m a launch strategist, former university professor, and Nike Senior Designer. 

I know a lot about what it takes to create winning programs that sell. 

I've helped a handful of individuals go from ground zero to over 7 figures in their businesses, not to mention the endless five-figure and multiple five-figure launches. I've also paved the way for thousands of people to make their first-ever sales.

And I’ve helped them do this by creating a repeatable A to Z system that is so simple anyone can follow and any students they work with get results.

 I have dedicated my life to helping people figure out how to solve problems for their clients more effectively and I get a tremendous amount of joy seeing them get their first sales and quit their day jobs.

I have done just under $3,000,000 in sales and have created multiple 6 figure launches for myself.

I have been exactly where you are now!

I started off wanting to scale my business with a online program — confused about what type of program to start, what to put into it, how to solve people’s problems the most effective way. 

I was scared to death of selling a program that wouldn’t get people results and charging for it. That’s when I figured out that “BETA TESTING” was the solution. 

What I love about beta testing is I could get paid to create a program, get the feedback and testimonials I needed to sell it.

After years of trial and error, trying different kinds of testing: beta testing with launches, free beta testing, paid beta testing, I finally figured out the BEST WAY TO DO THIS with the least amount of technology.

I realized there had to be a better way to do this without:

  • ZAPS
  • ADS

ALL of it was very scary and overwhelming for people even just trying to figure out what they were going to sell let alone trying to figure out how to set it up themselves.

This is why I created my beta testing method.

This method allowed me to help aspiring course creators, membership owners, coaches, consultants take an idea and launch their program in DAYS with nothing but a zoom link, calendar link and check out page.

My philosophy is let’s keep this simple and help people create offers that ideal clients really WANT –

without fancy videos to film,

no fancy schools to set up,

and without tons of confusing software to deal with.

You can do all of that AFTER you have a proven and validated program that is generating revenue for you.

We help people like you streamline your ideas through beta testing, we provide you with the ESSENTIAL FOUNDATION you need to create an impact in the world, become the "GO TO" person in their field, and ultimately get paid to bring their brilliance to the world.


With our Beta Testing Method You Can Launch Your Course, Membership Or Group Coaching Program In The Next 14 Days Or Less

(with nothing but a calendar link, zoom link, and a checkout link)

What students have said in the first few DAYS of joining this program...

I have had a TOTAL transformation!! I put fear aside for the first time and started reaching out to do research calls and did three today! So crazy! I have another one tmr and a second call scheduled tmr as well! Thank you Jenna for giving me this approach to help get my program out in the world! Really appreciate your guidance!

- Jaclyn

I just conducted my first research interview!  .... She was open, honest, and vulnerable.  The information that she provided was invaluable.  It was a wonderful and welcome surprise!

- Jeff

Did my first interview and I actually can't believe how insightful it was! SO many good nuggets just from ONE interview!

- Elisa

Each section of You Can Launch is laid out in order to walk you through the three phases of creating a profitable coaching program that is proven to scale:

Sell it! Test it! Make it Pretty!

You will follow short videos and exercises designed to take the thinking and heavy lifting out of launching an online coaching program! Plus, you’ll get detailed templates and softwares to make building out the program SIMPLE and FUN!

SEE what's waiting for you inside once you become a student...


Magnetic Attraction Method

Find your Top 20 Ideal Clients Without a Following or Email List


10k Beta Method: Get Paid to Create Program with Testers

Get the feedback you need to make sure your program is profitable before you spend months creating it


10k Beta Method: Get Paid to Create Program with Testers

Get the feedback you need to make sure your program is profitable before you spend months creating it


Ai Conversion Plug'n Play Assets

Simplify the tech with the power of AI

If you can follow directions, you can have a proven profitable coaching program that scales.

But I know what you might be thinking, "Jenna, shouldn't I focus on creating a professional looking program before testing out my offer and material?"


In fact, creating a professional-looking course BEFORE testing your offer and material is BACKWARDS.

Many coaches and consultants waste months trying to create the "perfect" course and building their audience on social media, only to find out that people aren't resonating with their offer or not seeing the promised results.

So how do you even know if the program you created is what clients want?

Testing out your offer and content FIRST is the answer. By doing this, you can match the verbiage that your clients connect with and focus on their desires...what they already want!

Once you've received feedback and your clients have gotten their promised results, then you can create the professional-looking program. Every successful coach I've known always starts with testing their offer and program FIRST.

If not, you're going to face an uphill battle trying to convince clients of something they don't already want or don't know they want.

And yes, this training doesn't just help you create a coaching program. It also helps you create a program that sells with proven strategies that work.

Meet Jeremy

"I came in with no course. It ran six weeks and at the end of it, we had people literally signing television contracts. We had people invited into literal screenwriters, rooms. We had producers asking one of the participants for pages.

We had over 100 expressions of interest for the course. The first office hours I had with Jenna, I came in with no audience. It was an awesome thing. Signing up for this changed the possibilities that I have in life."

Meet James

"The thing that was just so amazing is that the course was evolving as it was going. It's been incredible to make over $50,000 from something that just started as an idea.

I wouldn't have been able to narrow down that idea without Jenna, without the 10k Beta Method. Not just about the information that I've gotten from the videos that are in the course, but also the weekly coaching, the weekly handholding, the support."



When you join You Can Launch, you'll receive instant access to everything you need to create a profitable program that sells! Including...

Brienne Quit Her 9-5 And Replaced Her Income With Her First Beta Launch

Carmin Discovered Her Proven Offer That Had Students Begging to Work With Her

What Results You Can Expect

Here are the most common results you’ll get if you’re accepted in You Can Launch


Close sales with ease, even if you don't have a large audience.


Create a program that can reach more people and generate more income.


Say goodbye to tech headaches and hello to a simple, easy-to-use system.


Work less and live more, while growing your business and generating revenue.

Meet April

April generated over $40,000 in the first 90 days with You Can Launch

"I think Jenna's very experienced and very creative so she can hear your situation and then on the top of her head just give you the next steps.

It's not one type of strategy. She has a lot of experience she can draw from. Especially with the ads, I learned a lot with her from ads, just viewing ads in a different way, you can use ads to test what kind of topics you wanna talk about. It actually made ads more fun. It's not so daunting. The beta program is definitely a must! I'm still using it, for this new next round."

This is not our first rodeo with beta testing...

Here's what our past clients have to say about working with us...

Our ultimate goal is to help our students build successful businesses that scale, not just provide a proven offer.

With our launch and scale strategies, we have helped countless students turn their beta courses into profitable programs.

Don't just take my word for it, check out the testimonials below from two of our students who are now making over 6 and 7 figures with the strategies we have taught them.

Meet Mat, who generated a whopping $400,000 with our beta strategies alone.

But he didn't stop there. By simply rinse and repeating the method and applying our launch methods, he achieved over $1,500,000 in revenue!

With our proven launch strategies, Janne generated a jaw-dropping $500,000 in just three days!

And that's not even the best part. She continued to repeat the method and went on to make over $800,000

Check out more on what our awesome students have to say about what it's like working with us over the years with other programs.

Ese has made over $100,000 with launches using Jenna's methods

Sage had almost 1000 applicants and ended up making $100,000+ with her beta launches

Sydney generated $12,000 in just one day using Jenna's strategies

Maya made $15,000+ on her first beta launch then turned her beta program into a 5-figure evergreen offer in just 2 months

Soness made an additional $38,000 by revamping her program with Jenna's beta strategy

Linda sold her brick and mortar business to venture online and made $15,000 with her first beta launch

Donna made $200,000 with Jenna's beta launch strategies after she was forced to find a new source of income when she lost her job to COVID

Lindsay made $10,000 in her first beta launch


In CASE There's Anything I Missed, Here are SOME Commonly Asked Questions!

What makes students who have taken this course, and the testimonials I have seen, so successful?

I set out to create a step-by-step system that will help you cause a BREAKTHROUGH in the first 14-30 days. I don’t just tell you what to do, I show you. Just like Lego© provides you with a step-by-step instruction manual for each of its models, you’ll get the same. So you’re going to get the experience of producing real results for yourself. AND I show you how to do the same thing with your students so that you too can see success with your students!

If I’m just getting started and don’t have an offer or program yet, is this course good for me?

Yes! Abso-freaking-lutley! If you think you need to have a course or even an offer ready first, then you are going about it all BACKWARDS. The beautiful thing about this system is that it works for those starting with nothing and courses that are struggling with reaching $10k a month on repeat. So yes, even if you’re new to creating courses, this is 100% for you too!

I don’t have a course, program or offer, will this course still benefit me?

That is not a problem. In fact, if you have experience creating success for yourself or someone else in the area you want to coach on, we've got you covered. When you join our program, we'll work with you to fine-tune your offer and craft a message that speaks directly to your ideal client. It's all part of our secret sauce for success!

I’m not the best salesperson, will this course help me sell my program?

Let’s be honest, selling your expertise can suck. And if you’re like most coaches and consultant I work with, you want to spend your days doing your "thing", not selling to clients all day! In this program, I’m going to walk you through getting over that dreaded “sales call syndrome” once and for all with our simplified and stress free cash conversations.

How much time will it take to complete this course?

That’s ultimately up to you. You will have lifetime access to everything to take you from where you are now to having a beautifully created proven offer. I have had students hit the ground running and make their first $10,000 in just 4 days. I have had others make over $60,000 in the first 90 days. But I understand everyone is at a different place in their lives, which is why you will be getting a minimum of one year access to the material.

I don’t have a team, will this be too much work for just me?

Not at all! In the past, our beta programs were pretty tech heavy and created quite a lot of build out before you could even sell. NOW, we have simplified it down to only needing a calendar link, a zoom link, and a checkout page. THAT'S IT! I created this method specifically for people who are solo-preneurs just trying to get their coaching program started without any stressful setup. Though I fully support and recommend attracting the right people to support you, you can definitely take on this entire program in 30 days, on your own!

My coaching program hasn’t been getting the clients in the past, will this course help?

You better believe it! And I know because I followed the EXACT process you’re about to generate over 3 million dollars! Sometimes all it takes is the smallest tweaks in your offer to turn your business into a profitable coaching business. And beta testing is the answer.

I have ZERO coaching experience, do I need to be a coach to make an amazing coaching program?

Not at all. As long as you have had experience in creating success for yourself or others in whatever you want to teach, you can create a coaching program. Remember, you would start your program as a beta. Your students will be prepared for an imperfect program while you are learning. So no matter how scary or uncertain you may feel right now, the “coaching” stuff will just come naturally and doesn’t have to limit you or keep you stuck any longer.

What can I expect when I enroll in You Can Launch ?

Upon completing your enrollment you will receive an email immediately. Your purchase includes INSTANT access to the program.

Do you have a guarantee?

Yes! As long as you do the work as outlined in the program you will launch your course in 14-30 days! Due to the digital nature of our program, there are no refunds.

Can my team go through this course with me?

Yes! And I encourage it! I understand the value of working together as a team and having the whole team work collectively on your You Can Launch is the perfect way to make it all stick!

How long do I have to access this program?

You get access to the program for as long as you stay an annual member.